Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Monday, 22 November 2010
Christmas Mailing Labels and Gifted Magazine
Have you had a chance to check out Ez of Creature Comforts holiday magazine, Gifted, yet? I enjoyed every single page from cover to cover and even did a little happy dance when I saw the gorgeous free printables Ez has sprinkled throughout.

I loved the wrapping set from Paola Zakimi with her sweet christmasy illustrations so much that I used the christmas wrap to make some whimsical mailing labels for my holiday cards. What do you think, sweet right?
They were really easy if you would like to make some yourself. Just open the wrapping paper file (on page 71-72) in an editor like Photoshop and cut out a space for the address to go. Voila, you have added mailing labels to Paola's gorgeous wrapping suite.
You can have a flick through Gifted Magazine right here...
Have a lovely day everyone.
psst... I have free christmas mailing labels for you to print here!
image source: creature comforts
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Monday, 15 November 2010
Printable Christmas Lists in the New Toffee Magazine
I have some exciting news to share! These printable lists I designed have been published in the new online magazine Toffee.

Back in September, Nancy Alice Wood of Wolf and Willow contacted me to see if I would be interested in contributing to the Christmas printable section she was compiling for Toffee.
Believe it or not I already had christmas projects on the brain so I jumped at the chance and submitted 4 printable lists for holiday organisation. 8 weeks later, and here I am pictured as a contributer to the brand new Toffee Magazine!
Yep thats me, third on the right :)

If you download the magazine you will be able to print my lists for managing To-Do's, Shopping Lists, Christmas Cards and Gift Planning as many times as you like!
Toffee Magazine is just $2.99 which is really reasonable considering you get 102 pages packed with great interviews, crafty book reviews, recipes, crafts, printables, a whole bunch of ideas for making your own beauty lotions and potions and more. You will also receive a selection of patterned digital papers for scrapbooking and craft projects which are gorgeous.
You Can Buy Issue 1 of Toffee Magazine Here!
Speak to you soon friends!
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Monday, 1 November 2010
Free Printable Minimega Advent Calendar
As the 1st November is here I thought it might be a good time to start thinking about all those christmas projects we've been promising ourselves we will get round to this year.

To kick things off I though it would be great to start work on an advent calendar so come December we will be ready to start counting down the days to Christmas! I have had this Minimega printable bookmarked for months so I am really happy I can finally share it with you here now.

The best thing about this printable is that it's really versatile so you can make your advent calendar as simple or as elaborate as you wish. I am thinking of stringing them all up to make a chain of polar bears and taping chocolate coins to the backs, but seriously, the possibilities are endless so get your thinking cap on.
Why not use the advent bears to decorate the free Minimega paper cups and fill with treats or you could
cut 12 small envelopes in half and stick them to a large sheet of card to create 24 pockets. Stick your advent bears to each pocket and leave notes, pictures, jokes, activities or treats in each one.
I would love to hear your ideas too so add them in the comments section below. Have a lovely day friends!
image source: minimega
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Monday, 18 October 2010
Mae Mae Paperie Business Card Stamp
You probably noticed I have unexpectedly been offline for the last couple of weeks but I am back...Yay!
One of my first stops this morning was to check in on Megan's blog Mae Mae Paperie to see what she has been up to and I was delighted to see these lovely calling card stamps that are now available in her shoppe.

I know you have heard me say 'I need this in my life' many times before as I swoon over all sorts of pretty little things but I'm telling you, I really, really do!
I'd love for you to fill me in on what you have been up to while I have been away from the blog so leave me a comment and say hello!
image source: mae mae paperie
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Monday, 4 October 2010
Free Knitting Patterns from Pickles.no
Autumn is here! ...well at least it is in my little corner of west London.
Red and gold leaves have been falling from the tress, hundreds of conkers are bursting from their spiky green shells and there is a definite chill in the air. All these little signs that winter is on it's way have got me thinking about knitting.
In my search for some new patterns to try I stumbled across a fantastic Norwegian blog called Pickles which has all sorts of lovely, cozy patterns which I know you will love too. In fact many of the patterns Heidi and Anna blog would be perfect if you are looking for gift ideas to work on for the holiday season!
The Pickles blog runs along side the Pickles yarn and pattern store founded by Heidi and Anna who are both self confessed 'yarn nerds' :) They stock beautiful yarns in both neautral shades and gorgeous on trend colours that are easy to mix and match for creating your own colour palettes.
I will definitley have to try knitting one of their designs and then I can show you the results here! I love the traditional looking Warm Winter Mitts shown at the top of this post, they would go perfectly with the new navy coat I bought this season.
Happy knitting friends!
image source: pickles
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Monday, 27 September 2010
Make Something Blog and The Workroom
I discovered a new blog this weekend called Make Something which is where Karyn from The Workroom blogs all her news and latest sewing projects amongst other crafty things.
It is such an inspiring blog, I have been obsessively riffling through the archives and dreaming up sewing projects of my own. I even drafted a dress block and whipped up a toile on Sunday I was so inspired to get sewing.
Aren't these details beautiful, Karyn is one talented seamstress indeed...
As well as blogging at Make Something Karyn also runs a really cool business in Toronto called The Workroom. You can sew by the hour in the studio and have full use of all their fantastic equipment. Karyn also runs classes that cover everything from how to use a serger to drafting a pattern from your favourite piece of clothing!
I would truly love to have something like this local to me. Make sure all you lucky Canadian's go visit Karyn at The Workroom.
If you'll all excuse me now...I'm off to buy some Japanese pattern books of my own ;)
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Monday, 20 September 2010
Rue Magazine Launch Issue: Studio and Home Tours with Megan Gonzalez and Victoria Smith!
I had bookmarked Rue Magazine after seeing a few bloggers talking about the launch but it wasn't until I saw Kelly mention over on Dear Evie that they had a studio tour with Megan Gonzalez of MaeMae Paperie that I felt the need to click on over right that instant!
If you hadn't guessed already I seriously loooove Megan's work and was so excited that I could snoop around her studio thanks to the lovely people at Rue!
Megan always comes across as such a sweet fun person and her studio is no different. It is just how I imagined it to be - bright, colourful, inspiring, eclectic... in other words, my dream workspace.
You can see the spread in Rue Magazine (pg.54) and also find more images that Megan has posted on her blog right here. Let me know if you enjoy the tour too.
As if that wasn't enough excitement pre 9am on a Monday morning.... I also discovered they had done a gorgeous (32 page!) feature on Victoria Smith's home (pg.85).
If you follow Victoria's blog Sfgirllbybay you will recognise some of the details from her posts but seeing all the rooms photographed so beautifully together in one spread was fantastic. I got such a feel for how Victoria lives and also how all the design details fit and work together in the space as a whole. Such a great read!
I'd love to hear what you thing of Rue Magazine and whether you enjoyed the content as much as I did so feel free to leave me a note in the comments section below.
Speak to you soon friends...
image source: rue magazine
Friday, 17 September 2010
Pocket Money Picks 17/Sept
Happy Friday everyone, isn't it lovely that the weekend is here!!
Let's have a look at this weeks Pocket Money Picks shall we :)
1. Screen Printed Steam Tea Towel $10 - Sweet Harvey
2. 25 Flat Kraft Paper Bags $3 - Packagery
3. Nesting Burlap Bucket Pattern $9 - Designs Maya Made
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Monday, 13 September 2010
Free Printable Note Card
Click to download your free printable note cards here!
Did you have a nice weekend? Monday's can be a little dull can't they so to brighten things up around here I have some simple flat note cards I've designed for you to download, yay!
Just print on nice thick card using the best setting on your printer and cut around the pink boarder. You can even use them with the printable mailing labels I posted last month if you like :)
Have a nice day friends!
Friday, 10 September 2010
Pocket Money Picks 10/Sept
Another week bites the dust so it must be time for some Pocket Money Picks!
1. Colour In Collaboration No.2 $5 - Lila Ruby King
2. Set of 12 Camera Stickers $4 - Crafty Folk
3. Doughnut Journal No.2 $9 - Edesse Designs
Hope you all have a fun filled weekend, see you back here Monday lovelies :)
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Colour Files: 01
Morning! This is the first in a new serise of posts here on Make, Do & Send called the Colour Files.
I have so many images bookmarked simply because the colours are awsome that I realised I just had to share them with you too.
Every week you will find a new post showing some of my favourite images and colour palettes so I hope you will enjoy this and all my future Colour Files posts :)
See you on Friday for Pocket Money Picks friends!
Psst...you can buy this print here ;)
image source: skinny ships
Monday, 6 September 2010
Inspirational Workspaces II
I've been catching up with some blog reading over the weekend and caught Kyle Freeman's guest post about setting up your workspace over on Design Sponge.
Having picked up lots of design tips to make an inspiring workspace that is also functional (so important if you actually want to get some work done!) I have been inspired to declutter and redesign my office nook.
As you know all good plans start with an inspiration board so I have a round up of office/studio spaces to share with you today. If you didnt catch my last post on Inspirational Workspaces be sure to take a peek for more inspiration.
When I create a mood board I dont think too much about what I have to start with. I like to dream big and work out which ideas I can incorporate into my teeny tiny space later. I hope you too can take some inspiration from this post for your own workspace, what ever shape or size that may be!
Psst....Dont forget to read Kyle Freeman's post here you will find lots of practical advice to get you organised and working efficently in your workspace ;)
image sources via pinterest: (from top left, clockwise) 1+2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Friday, 3 September 2010
Pocket Money Picks 03/Sept
Ahhhh what a week! I have had to get used to a whole new routine so everything has felt a bit topsie turvy. I think I have found my feet now though and will be much better organised next week!
Lets round things off here with some Pocket Money Picks and we'll start a fresh on Monday, ok.
1. Hidden Forest Card $4 - Seraph
2. Paper Fortune Cookies $3.75 - Imeon Design
3. Wish Card $6 - The Social Type
Have a lovely weekend and if you are in London too lets enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!
Speak to you soon friends x
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Life. Words To Live By
I tend to babble on when I post here but today is different, I'm going to let this post I found on Hey Amber Ray do all the talking for me.
Be inspired people.........
image source: hey amber ray via pinterest
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Wolf & Willow Desktop Wallpaper
My desktop is looking soooo pretty today thanks to this lovely wallpaper from Nancy of Wolf and Willow. London has been really grey these past few days so I think this is just what was needed to brighten things up around here. I also like that this is not a month specific wallpaper like some of my favorites have been recently so I can keep it forever and ever and ever - or until Nancy posts another ;) Oh and did you know she hand-painted each of these little flowers just for us. Arent we lucky! - Click here and enjoy lovelies.
Psst...Pocket Money Picks will be back next week...
image source: wolf & willow
Photography by Elena of Pretty Light
Hello friends. I've been a little poorly this week so as I am still feeling a bit delicate I though it would be nice to post some pretty, delicate images for us to just look at.
Elena's photography is just stunning and the journal where she has posted what seems like hundreds of beautiful images is such an inspiration to me and I refer back to it often. The light, the colours and the compositions are always so soft and to me are perfect.
It was unbelievably hard to select just three images to share with you here but I hope you will enjoy these pictures taken from nature as much a I do. Be sure to visit Elena here and browse the archives to find many more wonderful photos.
Have a lovely day x
Psst...as well as the journal Elena writes and posts on she has a blog, Pretty Light which is in English ;)
image source: elena's journal - 1, 2, 3
Friday, 20 August 2010
Pocket Money Picks 20/August
I hope you have all had a lovely week. I've been a bit preoccupied with some projects I have on the go right now. Hopefully I will be able to share some of my work with you soon but it's not quite ready for the big reveal just yet ;)
To wrap things up for this week lets take a peek at my Pocket Money Picks...
1. Red Heart Stickers $2.99 - Knot & Bow
2. Hello Fox Handmade Card $4 - Monkey Mind Design
3. Bird & Bird Tracks Hand Carved Rubber Stamp Set $6.75 - Eat Prey Create
See you back here next week xx
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Minimega Children's Poster Set and Printables
These prints are just adorable and such a steal at 13,50 Euros for the pair. I can't think of anything sweeter to decorate a child's room or nursery, plus they're educational ;)
You can find them at the Minimega store, but hurry before they sell out!
Aside from all the beautiful printed goodies in store I simply can not mention Minimega without telling you about the lovely freebies Sara shares on the Minimega blog. You will find lots of sweet diy projects including these fantastic treat boxes. Explore the Minimega blog for yourself right here.
Speak to you soon friends!
image source: minimega shop & minimega blog
Friday, 13 August 2010
Pocket Money Picks 13/August
To round off the week lets have a look at todays Pocket Money pics shall we...
1. Flower Patch Jotter $6.50 - Wit & Whistle
2. N is for Nest Print $9 - Evapaul Petite
3. Hello Plant Vines Hand Drawn Card $3.50 - Eat Pray Create
I hope you have something nice planned for the weekend. I have a christening and three birthdays to celebrate with friends and family this weekend so it should be fun filled. Yes thats right three birthdays.
I also have a whole load of quilting to get done but who knows when I'll be able to fit that in! Hopefull I'll be able to snatch a few hours of relaxing 'me' time :)
See you back here Monday friends!
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Make Origami Hearts with Upon A Fold
What do you think? Not bad for an origami newbie, right?
I've been making these origami hearts all afternoon having found a really simple step-by-step over on the swoon worthy paper blog Upon A Fold.
Once you start making these you really cant stop. Not only will you get faster and faster but you'll want to turn every scrap of paper you can lay your hands on into hearts of every size :)
Pop over to Upon A Fold to download the origami pdf and dont forget to take a peek at their store while you're there. They have products to make your heart skip if you're a paper lover like me!
Psst...if you like my paper heart your can download this pattern from Lovely Design and print onto layout paper which is what I did ;)
Monday, 9 August 2010
Zorrini Fox
Do you remember when I posted about Monty? Well I found another little guy over on the Little Lovely blog who was begging to be posted too. What do you think? Pretty fantastic for a fox, right?
Want to know what makes this handmade Haciendo el Indio softie so extra special? ...He has two faces, one side he sleeps and one side he's wide awake! He also comes with a wonderfully jaunty hazel scarf :)
Happy Monday all x
Psst....Christina has a really sweet website so be sure to stop by and check out her work as well as the Big Cartel store where you will find Zorrini.
image source: Haciendo el Indio via Elmarie Giles
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Free Printable Mailing Labels
Just because its my blog anniversary this week doesn't mean its all me, me, me! I have these free printable mailing labels for you to download as a little gift from me to you :)
Click here to download the labels.
Psst...those of you who have joined the mailing list will receive the mailing labels in two other colour ways exclusive to newsletter subscribers, yay!
Please Note: This file was created by me for my blog readers and is for personal use only. Feel free to share with your friends and your blog readers too but please direct them to this post to download the file.
Monday, 2 August 2010
Hip Hip Hooray!
Thats right friends, my little blog is one year old today!
I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed the journey so far. I could never have imagined that being part of the blogging community would enrich my life in so many ways when I started out but it really has.
I will have several celebratory posts this week (including a giveaway!) but lets start the festivities by simply enjoying a little cake.
Wont you please join me wherever you are in the world and treat yourself to a big slice of cake or a delicious cupcake like this one posted by Aran on her beautiful blog Cannelle et Vanille.
Have a lovely day friends x
psst...Aran has the recipe for these gorgeous Chocolate Buttermilk Cupcakes on her blog, yum, yum!
image source: cannelle et vanille
Friday, 30 July 2010
Pocket Money Picks 30/July
How are you friends? I had a lovely day today as I was invited to my first picnic of the summer - thanks Kara!
This wasn't the perfect, pretty type of picnic you might find photographed on a beautiful blog somewhere but a real picnic with crumbs, grass covered blankets and tea in a thermos...not a champagne flute in sight but it was perfect and it was fun. Just the way I like it.
Lets round things up for the week with today's Pocket Money Picks and get the weekend started shall we?
Here you go lovelies, enjoy the weekend...
1. Wolf King Card $4 - Hillary Bird
2. Scrap Pack $6 - Briones + Co.
3. Thick Black Paper Yarn 12 Yards $5 - PaperPhine
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Michelle Mason's London Tea Towels
I'd made a note to tell you about some sweet tumblers designed by Michelle Mason for The London Transport Museum but then I found these tea towels on her website which I love even more!
I think Michelle's bold and colourful illustrative style captures London perfectly and most importantly her work really makes me smile.
Michelle Mason has illustrated several other iconic London scenes for her line of cushions which I would love to see printed up as tea towels too. They show the Tower of London, The 'Gherkin', Piccadilly Circus and my favorite, the Columbia Road Flower Market.
Michelle's designs are all made here in England which I think is fantastic and im sure they would make the perfect souvenir or holiday gift if you would like to take a little bit of London home with you. If you are visiting London this year look out for her pieces at these museums and boutiques!
On another note...
I am so pleased with the response I've receieved after posting my reader survey on Monday so a big thank you to you if you're one of the wonderful people that took part! If you haven't completed the reader survey yet and would like to you can do so right here.
It has been fascinating reading through all your responses and the feedback had been even more useful than I expected. I think it will really help me focus and make the blog even better going forward so thanks again :)
See you on Friday for Pocket Money Picks :)
image source: michelle mason
Monday, 26 July 2010
Reader Survey
Pretty please will you help me out with a little something today?
As you know, I have been working on improving the blog these past few weeks and I want to know your thoughts on a few things because obviously my blog would be nothing without you!
I have put together a quick questionnaire to help me find out a little more about you and what you would like to see here so if you have a few minutes to answer just 10 simple questions please click to take part and start the survey. Thank you in advance for your time!
Friday, 23 July 2010
Pocket Money Picks 23/July
I'm so relieved that the weekend is here, I just feel like totally switching off for a few days to recharge! How about you? Do you have anything nice planned, perhaps some craft projects to work on?
If you feel like treating yourself to a little something I have three new Pocket Money Picks for you right here...
1. Hankie $10 - Down Home Amy
2. Lovebirds Letterpress Flat Notes $8 - Parrott Design Studio
3. Vintage Post Card Gift Tags $8 - Benign Objects
Enjoy the rest of the day lovelies and I will see you back here Monday x
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Modern Pop Prints
I came across Modern Pop this morning and wanted to share Ryan Beshara's wonderfully chic prints for children with you here too!
Ryan Beshara has some great art for boys like the American Racing Drivers Club print below but she also has so many lovely gender neutral prints that would look beautiful in any child's nursery. I really love the colours Ryan works with she has the sweetest colour palettes so be sure to have a look for yourself!
Although Ryan's prints are mostly aimed at children (and parents!) I simply adore Alphabet Soup which I think would look beautiful in a home office, library or studio, don't you think?
Have a lovely day friends...
See more of Modern Pop here... website, etsy, blog, twitter
pssst...do you see that little strip of tape up there? Well I downloaded it from Creature Comforts and so can you, right here!
image source modern pop
Monday, 19 July 2010
Inspirational Workspaces
Hello lovelies did you all enjoy the weekend?
I have been busy pinning and re-pinning all sorts of wonderful things on Pinterest over the last few weeks and it has revealed something to me...I have a growing obsession with studio and office spaces. This is probably because I have neither so I live vicariously through the lucky people that get to create in these amazing work spaces!
Here is a collection of my favourites...
psst...the background I used in this layout is a free download from Meredith Fenwick and the tape strips are from Pugly Pixel ;)
image source:pins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 via pinterest work space board
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Pocket Money Picks 17/July
I know, I know this should have been posted yesterday so I wont chit chat i'll just give you the picks you've patiently been waiting for!
1. Tiny Stained Clothes Pins $7 - Olive Manna
2. Helen Dardik Mod Kitchen Fat Quarter £2.95 - Fabric Rehab
3. Book Plates PDF (includes 8 designs) $5 - Happy Doodle Land
I hope you all enjoy the rest of the your weekend, come and tell me all about it in the comments section. I love hearing from you :)
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Sol Linero
I first came across Sol Linero's work a few months ago when Grace posted about The Working Proof on Design Sponge. I was so excited by her 'Dreaming About Shoes, Poncho and Lupita' print that I had to see more.
I think its Sol's bold use of colour that first attracts me to her work as she mixes so many of my favorites like orange, bright turquoise blue, muddy yellow greens and the most vibrant candy pinks, wonderful!
Finding more of her work on Flickr I was led to her website which is what I really wanted to tell you all about today because it is just so fantastic.
Sol describes SolLinero.com as being simple, cute and fun but I definitely have to add inspiring to that list.
Sol's webpage inspires me in so many ways. Not only does her site give me creative inspiration but it reminds me to keep things fun and functional, to think outside the box and above all experiment with colour. I think the light flicking on to illuminate the 'about me' blurb is genius :)
I'm sure you will really enjoy Sol Linero's work and her website so be sure to check it out for yourself. I should also tell you that you can shop at the Sol Linero Etsy Store if you would like a little piece of Sol Linero art for your home.
Speak to you soon friends.
-pssst...i couldnt talk about Sol Linero without mentioning Poncho her gorgeous pooch and Lupita the adopted Kitty who stars in many of her prints aren't they the sweetest!
image source: sollinero.com, the working proof
Monday, 12 July 2010
Elle Decoration Illustrator Jenny Bowers
Jenny Bowers work is fantastic! I'm really happy to share some of Jenny's illustrations with you today because I think it's just what we need on a Monday.
I discovered her wonderfully bold illustrations in Elle Decoration(uk) and really admire her vibrant colourful style. The simple shapes, lines and bright colours make for some really fun illustrations, dont you think?
These images are taken from the March and June issues of Elle Decoration and you can see more of Jenny Bowers work here.
Have a lovely day friends!
image source: photographs taken by me of the March(2/3) and June(1) issues of Elle Decoration(UK)