Twitter I often share blog news, links and re-tweet interesting comments made by those I follow. Unfortunately as Twitter is so fast paced probably only a handful of people see these tweets pop up on their page
so I thought I would share a few select tweets here every Monday!
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here later today or
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Not sure what Twitter is all about? Then read on and get the scoop!When I first joined
Twitter I'll admit I didn't really get what the fuss was about but I was determined to give it a try. I didn't think I had anything particularly interesting to say nor did I have a desire to know that random 'followers' were
"eating breakfast!" or other trivial details of their day.
The more I persevered and followed others the more I began to understand that there was more to twitter than it seemed. I have since found that Twitter is a really powerful, fast paced tool that is excellent for sharing of information and staying connected with those around you.
For those that don't know, Twitter is basically a way of communicating with friends by exchanging short updates called Tweets which are limited to 140 characters or less. These messages are posted to your Twitter page, sent to your friends who are called 'Followers' and are searchable on Twitter search. To find out more about Twitter click here... If you would like to Follow me and receive my updates on Twitter click here... As I said before I'm not particularly interested if you are "eating lunch!" so I try not to inflict those kind of Tweets on my followers either. But what can you use twitter for?
I like that through Twitter you easily build a community of like minded people who are all swapping tit-bits of information. If I'm surfing the web and come across something I like or think others would be interested in I post a link telling my followers all about it on Twitter. I have found so many great blog posts and new websites that I have been introduced to through updates posted by those I follow.
I also often use twitter to announcing new blog posts or ask questions relating to a piece I'm thinking of writing to find out what peoples interest and opinions are on the topic. I like that I can also get a better understanding of those that are reading my blog and what you like by watching what you are tweeting.
Another great thing about twitter is there always seems to be someone there! Got a question and need an answer now? Tweet it and you will probably get an answer almost instantly from those Following you. Achieved something and want to shout it from the roof top? Someone will give you a virtual pat on the back. Struggling to find something or need inspiration? You could find just what you need by Tweeting the problem to your Followers.
Most of all Twitter is fun. You cant get too bogged down with floods of info when people can only send you short bursts that take seconds to read. Its then your choice if something catches your eye to follow the link.
So, what do you think of Twitter? I would love to know what you use Twitter for so please let me know my leaving a note in the comments section below.