RSS Feed
If you are familiar with RSS you can follow Make, Do & Send via the RSS Feed.
Not sure what RSS is? Here is an brief explanation....
You used to have to 'bookmark' a website you liked and regularly return to it manually to see if there was anything new. With RSS it keeps all your favourite blogs in one place like with bookmarks and automatically checks if there is new content for you which it displays in the RSS Feed Reader.
I use Internet Explorer which has an RSS reader built in along side Favourites. When I click on the Feeds tab I can see which websites have been updated as they will appear in bold. Most browsers come with their own Feed Reader although you can get them for free with Google Reader or Bloglines for example.
This sounds much more complicate than it is I promise so give it a go!
If you prefer you can receive updates directly to your inbox when something new is added at Make, Do & Send so you never miss a download or project. Your email will not be shared with any third party and you can unsubscribe easily at anytime. Sign up for email updates below.
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BloggerIf you are a member of Blogger too, the easiest way to keep up to date with Make, Do & Send is to become a 'Follower' with the Google Friend Connect application. Click the 'Follow' button on the left hand side of this page to become a member and you will see updates from me in the reader on your Blogger Dashboard.
Alternatively follow Make, Do & Send on Twitter to receive updates when a new post is added to the blog!
Further Reading: Learn More about RSS and how to use it with ProBlogger.
If you have a problem with any of these features please leave a comment below and I will try to resolve the issue.
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