s the new school year is starting I thought it might be nice to share a few
printables that the kids will enjoy. Even if you
don't have any little people at home I have a feeling you're going to like this round up ;)
First up, from
Jinjerup we have some
chick bookmarks in the most beautiful choice of colours. If you hunt around
Jinjerups blog you will find some fun fruit characters that have been turned into bookmarks too...
I'm sure your little dudes will think these
super cool stickers from
The Bruhn Family are out of this world.
Wouldn't they be great for decorating note books and lunch bags? If Space
isn't your thing you will find some really, really cute animals that Lotta
Bruhn has available to download too.

Label new books with these
book plates from
Martha Stewart and print some for yourself while your at it!

Heya Alex, many, many thanks for featuring Chick Chic on Make, Do & Send! :D