I first came across Sol Linero's work a few months ago when Grace posted about The Working Proof on Design Sponge. I was so excited by her 'Dreaming About Shoes, Poncho and Lupita' print that I had to see more.

I think its Sol's bold use of colour that first attracts me to her work as she mixes so many of my favorites like orange, bright turquoise blue, muddy yellow greens and the most vibrant candy pinks, wonderful!
Finding more of her work on Flickr I was led to her website which is what I really wanted to tell you all about today because it is just so fantastic.
Sol describes SolLinero.com as being simple, cute and fun but I definitely have to add inspiring to that list.

Sol's webpage inspires me in so many ways. Not only does her site give me creative inspiration but it reminds me to keep things fun and functional, to think outside the box and above all experiment with colour. I think the light flicking on to illuminate the 'about me' blurb is genius :)
I'm sure you will really enjoy Sol Linero's work and her website so be sure to check it out for yourself. I should also tell you that you can shop at the Sol Linero Etsy Store if you would like a little piece of Sol Linero art for your home.
Speak to you soon friends.
-pssst...i couldnt talk about Sol Linero without mentioning Poncho her gorgeous pooch and Lupita the adopted Kitty who stars in many of her prints aren't they the sweetest!
image source: sollinero.com, the working proof