Wednesday, 21 October 2009
If you have any thoughts or ideas you would like to see incorporated into the new blog why not leave a comment below? Id love to hear from you.
Back soon,
Alex x
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Printable Postcards from Martha Stewart

I definitely have a couple of ideas up my sleeve for these but you'll have to watch out for my future Benevolent Postcard Society posts as I'm not giving away my secret plans just yet if you don't mind ;)
You can download both of the Martha Stewart cards by clicking here...
I hope you find these useful even if your not a BPS member. I would love to hear what you plan to do with them. How about Save The Dates?

I definitely have a couple of ideas up my sleeve for these but you'll have to watch out for my future Benevolent Postcard Society posts as I'm not giving away my secret plans just yet if you don't mind ;)
You can download both of the Martha Stewart cards by clicking here...
I hope you find these useful even if your not a BPS member. I would love to hear what you plan to do with them. How about Save The Dates?
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
September flew by and here we are in the first week of October which means my 2nd postcard is now in the mail!
Many of you already know about the postcard exchange I'm taking part in but for those of you who are new around here it's basically an art project and postcard exchange rolled into one. The Benevolent Postcard Society is the brain child of Automatism blogger and collage illustrator Lori Langille who thought the random exchange of postcards, would bring a smile to its members.
This time I sent a Kelly Hyatt card from the Juliette collection with an Autumn themed poem on the back by George Cooper.
I hand stamped the date and framed the address (which I hand wrote) with part of an Aunty Cookie book plate which I cut out using an Xacto knife. I love the little illustrated bird that's escaped from it's cage!
I was a bit disappointed as the poem on the back, which I tried to 'stamp', on the card didn't come out very clearly. I did a few test runs which came out great but the card was slightly textured like water colour paper which i should have realised would effect the result . I use the term 'stamp' loosely because I basically printed the text onto a transparency and tried to quickly transfer it to the card like a stamp whilst the ink was still wet.
I lightly went over the text with a pencil to make it more legible but if your reading this, Sarah from Islington, and you still don't have a clue what it says here is the poem below...
October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came-
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
By George Cooper
If you're taking part in the exchange too tell me all about your cards in the comments section as I love hearing what everyone else is doing.
Many of you already know about the postcard exchange I'm taking part in but for those of you who are new around here it's basically an art project and postcard exchange rolled into one. The Benevolent Postcard Society is the brain child of Automatism blogger and collage illustrator Lori Langille who thought the random exchange of postcards, would bring a smile to its members.
This time I sent a Kelly Hyatt card from the Juliette collection with an Autumn themed poem on the back by George Cooper.
I hand stamped the date and framed the address (which I hand wrote) with part of an Aunty Cookie book plate which I cut out using an Xacto knife. I love the little illustrated bird that's escaped from it's cage!
I was a bit disappointed as the poem on the back, which I tried to 'stamp', on the card didn't come out very clearly. I did a few test runs which came out great but the card was slightly textured like water colour paper which i should have realised would effect the result . I use the term 'stamp' loosely because I basically printed the text onto a transparency and tried to quickly transfer it to the card like a stamp whilst the ink was still wet.
I lightly went over the text with a pencil to make it more legible but if your reading this, Sarah from Islington, and you still don't have a clue what it says here is the poem below...
October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came-
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
By George Cooper
If you're taking part in the exchange too tell me all about your cards in the comments section as I love hearing what everyone else is doing.
Monday, 5 October 2009
Have a little nosey below to see what I've been tweeting about lately. Remember to click the quotes to follow the links!
Feel free to post tweets you think I'd like in the comments section!

Feel free to post tweets you think I'd like in the comments section!